Massive Global Investment Heads for U.S. Shores

Jason Williams

Posted November 9, 2023

Over the past couple of years, something very interesting has been happening in the global economy.

It’s almost a complete about-face for investment policy. And it’s going to spell MASSIVE profits for a select group of U.S. companies and their investors…

How the Tables Turn

You see, since 2021, manufacturers from all over the world have committed over $500 million in investments to America’s EV charging infrastructure.

Instead of investment dollars and manufacturing jobs flowing out of the U.S. and into lower-cost jurisdictions, the money’s reversed course and is now racing back into the States.

And the thing is, that $500 million is just the tip of the iceberg. And it’s just what they’ve committed to ramping up our charging station manufacturing infrastructure.

When you add in the commitments companies have made to invest in building out the EV charger infrastructure itself, the numbers become even bigger.

Just one company, Stellantis, the international owner of popular American brands such as Jeep and Ram, has itself committed $500 million to blanket the country with its own network of EV chargers.

And if you take the private commitments and add in the public funding our own government has committed to making the EV charging station network more robust, the numbers are truly staggering.

We’re talking about an initial commitment of $500 million to match Stellantis, plus countless more millions in the coming years as the so-called Inflation Reduction Act continues to pay out.

All told, the U.S. EV charging infrastructure is going to see hundreds of billions of dollars of investment capital flowing toward it in the coming years.

And a select group of investors is going to be reaping the biggest profits as those funds come rolling in.

But they’re not shareholders of any EV charging company like Blink Charging, ChargePoint, or EVgo…

And they’re not the shareholders of Elon Musk’s Tesla, even though it’s likely to make the majority of the chargers that get installed.

In fact, it’s a group of people who are already collecting a steady income stream from the existing network of chargers.

And while the network is still very small — in its infancy, really — that income stream is going to add up to over $300 MILLION this year alone.

As those investment commitments come through and the charging network swells from a few thousand to a few million chargers spread out across the country…

That income stream is destined to swell right along with it. In fact, it could potentially get not just to a few billion dollars a year, but perhaps even a few hundred billion dollars.

Plug-and-Play Pay

And it’s all because these investors have found a little-known “backdoor” investment that essentially lets them collect a small amount of money every time an EV driver pays to plug their car in and charge their battery up…

Now, they’re not going to get any money from the people who charge their cars at home, but any time someone stops at one of the chargers in their “network,” they’re going to see their profits grow a tiny bit more.

It doesn't matter what kind of car the person is charging. It doesn't even matter who made the chargers. Or even who owns the charging station. These investors are still going to get paid if someone plugs in to charge up.

And, like I said, right now that income stream is already paying out over $300 million per year. But that’s with the minuscule charger network we’ve got right now, which looks something like this:

ev network have

In order to support the number of EVs the car companies want to sell and the government wants to get out on the roads, we’ll be adding millions more chargers, though.

Just consider… BMW wants 50% of its sales to be EV by 2030. Ford has similar plans. GM is committed to selling only zero-emission cars and trucks by 2035. Honda’s plans are for 2040.

Hyundai wants to sell 1.9 million EVs annually by 2030. Stellantis plans to have 50% of U.S. sales be EV by 2030. Subaru wants to be selling 40% EVs by then.

And those are just a handful of companies. Then we’ve got government goals from federal and state agencies to factor in as well.

The U.S. wants 50% of all new vehicles in the entire country to be electric by 2030. That’s about 1.5 million new EVs hitting the road every single year.

We’re definitely going to need a FAR bigger network to support all those drivers unless we want to relive the 1970s, but with charger lines instead of gas lines.

And that network will look more like this:

ev network need

So if a network composed of thousands of charging stations serving a population made up of about 2 million vehicles and drivers is already spinning off an income stream worth more than $300 million…

A network composed of millions of charging stations serving a population made up of over 26 million vehicles should logically spin off a MUCH BIGGER income stream.

Just using simple math, we can estimate the potential growth…

Twenty-six million is 13 times bigger than 2 million. That’s just simple division we can all do on our cellphone’s calculator.

So if the population paying into the chargers is 13 times bigger, it only makes sense that the payouts those chargers generate grow at least 13 times as well…

And what’s 13 times bigger than $300 million? (Checks iPhone calculator…) That’s right… It’s $3.9 BILLION!

But that’s just as of 2030. As the EV market keeps expanding (remember, the U.S. government is committed to getting over a million and a half new ones on the road every year after 2030) and more drivers opt for electric cars and trucks, the payments should just keep on getting bigger and bigger.

First-Mover Advantage

And anyone who gets started now will be able to watch their wealth swell with the payments thanks to the power of compounding — the longer you’re collecting, the faster the payments can grow.

So that’s why I’m advising investors to get some skin in the game NOW instead of waiting for the network to expand, the payments to really balloon, and the word to get out to the rest of the investing world.

You need to get in while these payments are still a closely kept secret so you can load up BEFORE the rest of the investing world finds out and piles in.

Then, not only will your payments grow, but your stake in the income stream will become more valuable should you decide to cash out and sell it to another investor.

It’s a win-win, and that’s why I insisted the members of my retirement-focused investing community, The Wealth Advisory, get on board.

Now that they’ve had ample time to start collecting their own lucrative payouts, I want to share the opportunity with you, my loyal Wealth Daily reader.

But I’d advise that you act now. Because every day, more people are finding out about this generous income stream with its steady payments.

And the more people join, the more expensive it is for new ones to get a stake and the more people those payments get split between.

So if you want the biggest payouts and the biggest profits, you need to get in as soon as possible, before anyone else gets a chance to claim what should be your share of the next payment.

You can learn all about it and how to get yourself on the list before the next payment hits in this special presentation I made for my investors.

And then you can get yourself set up to start collecting as soon as the next payment hits (which should be just in time for last-minute holiday shopping).

I’ll be back tomorrow with more, so keep an eye out for my article.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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